Guthrie Lourdes Hospital 访客信息

Guthrie Lourdes welcomes family and friends of our patients. 我们提供了以下信息,以帮助您的访问方便和舒适.

General visiting hours are 11 a.m. 到晚上八点半.m.
探视时间可根据个别病人的入院情况进行修改, condition or discharge planning. The patient's wishes will be considered.


有时探视时间可能会因病人/家属的要求而受到限制, the judgment of the healthcare provider or nurse, 或者当访问对病人的护理或福利不利时.



Each patient has the right to determine who may and may not visit, including but not limited to a spouse, 国内合作伙伴, other family members or friends. 探视和支持在病人的康复过程中很重要, but we also encourage rest to promote healing. It is essential for patients to receive necessary care and rest, and that caregivers be allowed to provide services efficiently. Therefore, the hospital provides guidelines for visiting patients.


Please be aware of the following:

  • 来访者不得干扰专业工作人员的活动或医院的操作.
  • 安静的 应该保持和访客不应该聚集在病人护理区.
  • 游客应该 不带食物 to patients unless specially permitted to do so.
  • 孩子们 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • 禁烟政策 - Guthrie Lourdes is a smoke free environment. 在世界博彩公司十大排名·卢尔德医院所有或出租的财产内禁止吸烟. 游客 must leave the property if they choose to smoke.
  • Infection Control Policies 和条例-访客和其他呼吸道疾病患者, or any sign of communicable infection, are not permitted to visit hospital patients.  游客 must wear proper attire and footwear. 有时游客可能需要穿防护服(长袍、手套等).) to ensure their safety and the safety our patients.
  • Weapons are prohibited - Under no circumstances are weapons allowed.
  • Lourdes Hospital welcomes visitors of all ages, 我们理解孩子们可能想要在他们逗留期间看望他们的亲人. 然而, 确保病人和年轻访客的安全和健康, we have established the following guidelines:
    • Supervision for 孩子们 12 and Under12岁及以下的儿童必须由成人陪同, other than the patient themselves, throughout their visit
    • Pre-Visit Consultation with Nursing Staff: Prior to bringing children under the age of 12 to visit a patient, 鼓励家长或监护人与病人所在单位的护理人员协商. 护士可以提供指导,在特定的时间探视是否合适和安全.
    • Considerations for the Intensive Care Unit (ICU): Due to the specific needs of patients in the ICU, visitation with children under 16 may not always be permitted. 重症监护室的护理人员将能够根据具体情况提供建议.
    • 病人 in Airborne Isolation: For the protection of vulnerable patients, 16岁以下的访客不得进入指定为空中隔离的房间.
    • Isolation Precautions一般建议16岁以下的访客避免在任何有隔离措施的房间探望病人. 实施这些预防措施是为了防止某些疾病的传播.

我们感谢您在遵守这些指导方针方面的理解和合作. 他们的到位是为了确保我们所有的病人、访客和员工都有一个安全和积极的体验.


Designated Spokesperson

为了更好的和你沟通,指定一个发言人是很有帮助的. 发言人将是医护人员与病人讨论病情的联络人, 在紧急情况下,我们会打电话给发言人,然后由他通知其他人. 打电话询问你所爱的人的信息应该由发言人来做.

If possible, please avoid calling between 7 a.m. 到8岁.m. 还有3p.m. 到下午4点.m., as this is the time for change of shift report on your loved one. Our nurses will be busy caring for your loved one, and by having the spokesperson call and then communicate with others, allows more time for our nurses to care for our patients.



Free wi-fi is available throughout the hospital.

失去了 & 发现

If you lose an item while at the hospital, 请和你认为丢失物品的部门的同事谈谈. You can also call our 失去了 & 发现 607-798-5177.


Visions Federal Credit Union 自动取款机 is located on the ground floor. 医院的一楼有一台远景联邦信用社的自动取款机, 1号和2号电梯对面(从全香料咖啡馆大厅往下). The 自动取款机 is available 24/7.

您不需要成为远景联邦信用合作社的会员就可以使用自动取款机, 然而, additional fees may apply. (Please direct all questions to Visions Federal Credit Union.)



全香料咖啡馆 小时:

  • 每天6:30开放.m. 到下午6:30.m.


Starbucks coffee is served in our Ozanam Cafe, on the ground floor of the Ambulatory Care Center, during regular cafe hours.


  • Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m. 到下午6:30.m.




菜单: 607-798-5236 
小时: 每天6:30 a.m. 到下午6:30.m.


The 全香料咖啡馆 is located on the Ground floor of the hospital. 早餐, lunch, and dinner are served daily from 6:30 a.m. 到下午6:30.m.
游客 and staff can choose from a variety of meal options, including homemade soups, 披萨, 铁板三明治, 沙拉, 热的主菜, 健康项目, 和更多的.

Indoor and outdoor seating allows for a comfortable dining experience. In the warmer months, 游客和工作人员可以选择在露台上用餐,享受健康的阳光.

When dining in the Cafe you may notice the lack of trash receptacles. 这是因为全香料咖啡馆为支持回收和绿色倡议而感到自豪. All cafeteria waste, including food waste, 包装, 铝罐, 和瓶子, 放置在传送带/托盘线,导致厨房的洗涤区. 然后将废物分类回收,堆肥和洗涤/消毒. 没有垃圾桶有助于我们确保所有的物品都被妥善分类,同时让访客和员工迅速回到他们的约会中, 所爱的人, 以及工作时间表.



  • 6:30 a.m. 到晚上九点半.m.

早餐 sandwiches, omelets (made-to-order), eggs (including low cholesterol), 法式吐司, 煎饼, 培根, 香肠, 饼干和肉汁, 还有家庭薯条. Baked fresh daily, scones, muffins, pastries and cookies.

Continental 早餐

  • 9:30 a.m. 到上午10:45.m.

Bagels, breads, English muffins, cereals, and fruit. Baked fresh daily, scones, muffins, pastries, and cookies.



  • 11 a.m. 到下午3:45.m.

Hot lunch/grill items are discontinued at 2 p.m. Soup, salad, sandwiches, and grab-and-go items available from 2 p.m. 到下午3:45.m.


  • 4 p.m. 到下午6:30.m.



  • Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. 到晚上7点.m.
  • 星期六:上午10点.m. 到下午4点.m.
  • 周日:下午1点.m. 到下午4点.m.
  • 假期:关闭
  • Closing times may vary due to volunteer availability.


咖啡馆位于医院主楼的中庭内,提供清淡的食物和各种甜点, cappuccino and flavored coffees.